Posts Tagged ‘Bears


Jon: “Bears” by Kent Rogowski…

You may remember a post I did about artist Kent Rogowski’s Love=Love series last year in which the artist reconfigures puzzle to create startling new visual landscapes. Rogowski now has a new project, Bears, where he is once again imagining new ways to articulate the emotional relevence of childhood objects.

From Rogowski’s website:

Bears, is a series of portraits of the most unusual sort: ordinary teddy bears that have been turned inside out and restuffed. Each animal’s appearance is determined by the necessities of the manufacturing process. Simple patterns and devices never meant to be seen are now prominent physical characteristics, giving each one a distinctly quirky personality: their fasteners become eyes, their seams become scars, and their stuffing creeps out in the most unexpected places. Together these images form a topology of strange yet oddly familiar creatures. They are at once hideous yet cuddly, disturbing yet endearing, absurd yet adorable, while offering a metaphor for us all to consider. These bears, which have lived and loved and lost as much as their owners, have suffered and endured through it all. It is by virtue of revealing their inner core might we better understand our own.




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