Posts Tagged ‘red suit


Paul: The Red Suit Enthusiasm…

…the phenomenon promises to take over the world!



I was reading Katherine Dexter’s blog the other day when I happened upon her post about  this amazing project. It all got started when Katherine Long (who I coincidentally went to college with) and Hunter Smith were shopping at a western Massachusetts thrift store. A bright red, spandex onesie much like the onese pictured above caught their eye. Apparently wearing the suit makes you feel imbued with superhero powers. They have started a whole online community dedicated to the mystique of the red suit. The project has even garnered attention from the Baltimore Sun and NPR.

The official site features pictures of 132 “wrestlers” giving their best superhero poses much like the ones above. I can’t figure out if they are all wearing the original red suit or if people are out there finding and making their own. Looking at the photos I feel that I must have a suit of my own, even though I’m sure it will look rrediculous on my lanky frame (I can’t pull of tank tops or shorts).  To learn more and join the enthusiasm, click the link…

Got any good leads?

gaycondo [at] yahoo [dot] com

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