Archive for November 4th, 2009


Jon and Em: R.I.P. Kipp Crawford…


Early this morning our friend and producer Kipp Crawford was killed when struck by two drunk drivers while riding his bicycle. He was an amazing person, with a strong sense of self and an artistic dedication greater than any other musician we know. We are thankful for the time and energy he put into our band, and know that our previous and upcoming album would not be the same with out his insight ,intelligence, and creativity.

Thanks Kipp.

You will be missed.


Jon: Nick van Woert…


For more of Nick van Woert’s post-modern take on classical art, check out his site!



(via a blog in delay)


Jon: Julia Child’s Potage Parmentier….


…aka Potato Leek Soup.

Paul and I are simultaneously reading Julie Powell’s book Julie and Julia, which I’d be embarrassed to admit if it wasn’t so good. As a couple, we are trying to work on being less cynical and judgemental in general, so reading  crazy popular books feels like a reasonable place to start.

I’m sure you’ve seen or read enough about the movie version of the book to know the basic premise: lady cooks 524 Julia Childs recipes in one year, craziness ensues, lady becomes famous, the end. I recommend buying a copy. You’ll like it unless your heart is made of frozen turds….


Did I mention I have the flu? Well, I do. It sucks. The fever portion seems to be over, but I’m still congested and coughing, and my left ear I think has a giant snot bubble buried deep inside it from blowing my nose too hard. Geez.  As you can imagine, I have spent a  lot of time reading, and was inspired by Julie and Julia  to convince my husband that we should cook one of the easy (read: stupid easy) recipes from Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Potage Parmentier.

This potato leek soup is super easy to make, and tastes seriously amazing. It’s also very easy to prepare vegan, which we did. Follow the recipe below for some of the best (and healthiest) winter comfort food you’ve ever had!


3-4 cups of diced peeled potatoes (1 lb.)
3 cups thinly sliced leeks, including the tender greens
2 quarts water
1 Tablespoon salt
6 tablespoons heavy cream or 3 tablespoons softened butter (or 3 table spoons vegan Earth Balance)
3 tablespoons minced chives or parsley

Simmer vegetables, salt, and water together, partially covered for 40-50 minutes in a 3-4 quart saucepan. Mash the vegetables into the soup. Adjust salt and pepper. You can stop at this point. When ready to serve, bring soup back to simmering. Then off the heat, stir in the cream or butter and top with chopped chives or parsley. 6-8 servings.

Got any good leads?

gaycondo [at] yahoo [dot] com

We Are In A Band!