Posts Tagged ‘anus


Paul: Anal Bleaching…

…what will they think of next!?

It doesn’t seem like the safest thing in the world, but apparently there is a significant demand for anal bleaching products. I blame the internet for this one, since I doubt anyone would have bought such a product over the counter from a drug store. Apparently over time pooping can actually discolor the skin around your anus, yuck! That is just not pretty, fortunately it’s not a problem for me, but according to this website, “you can prevent anal staining by being cautious in the bathroom. We suggest using a moist wipe after every bowel movement. This will ensure the area stays clean and stain free.”

Hear what some people have to say about how anal bleaching has changed their life:

I was reluctant at first but was suprised at the “clean” feeling just knowing that my anus is now fit for public viewing. I can whip my trousers down anytime and no longer have to worry about the “big brown eye” I recommend that everyone should bleach their anus – Frank

Thank god I found anal bleaching when I did. My bum hole was a real bad colour due to over 30 years of use. Now that my anus has been bleached, it’s like I have a new arsehole all ready to go again!  – Walphie

I know some of you people have this problem, and fortunately I’m here to help. I found a place where you can purchase a 2.5 oz. tub of an anal bleaching cream for only $9.99 (plus S+H). A lot of products sell for a whole lot more than that. If you’re interested (and I know you are) click the link!

Got any good leads?

gaycondo [at] yahoo [dot] com

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