Posts Tagged ‘puppet


Jon: Random Notes…


…on some stuff about stuff.

1.) As regular readers of this blog know, Cydwoq makes maybe my favorite shoes ever. Their styles are modern day interpretations of classic “old world” themes.

I love the dye process they use, which involves only vegetable based dyes, and results in what a co-worker of mine affectionately refers to as “zombie skin”. Anyway, they just recently debuted several new styles, and if any of you rich Gaycondo superfans want to buy me this pair ($285) in a size 46 that would be fantastic!




2.) Remeber the other day? When I said that the “gayest thing ever” was a video of Edith Beale dancing edited together with the song “Hung Up” by Madonna? Well, I rescind.


A few months ago, I turned 25 and had a bit of a quarter-life reevaluation, which of course ended in me deciding that I must start exercising a.s.a.p….

Then, in a completely unrelated event, Paul and I decided to take a vacation to Las Vegas.

Which means I have to wear a swim suit.

In about 2 weeks!

Well, I have been doing a lot of sit ups to prepare. I was starting to feel like my workout had plateaued (I promise, even after saying that last sentence, I am not a douche bag), so I wanted to find a way to add resistance. It turns out that the only heavy “free weight” type thing I own is books (see? not a douche…), and the heaviest of them is Taschen’s “Fashion” which is a 15 lb behemoth! The two book, hard cover, 12 inch wide, 600+ page set is a fucking AMAZING collection of images from the Kyoto Costume Institute. If you are interested in fashion or design, it is a must read.

So, yeah. I hold these books behind my head and work on my abs….

And that’s the gayest thing ever.


3.) Speaking of our trip to Las Vegas….

We have never been to Las Vegas together before! Have you? Comment on what we should do on the cheap while we are there….

I think I’ve already convinced Paul that we need to see The Thunder From Down Under by the way…








Is that drunky water?

4.) And that is just part one of the Waverly Films classic, The Puppet Rapist. There are 5 more on youtube for you to see…


5.) Guess what?? I kind of copied the idea for this post from Craig over at one of my all time favorite blogs, Puntabulous. Go now! Read it every day!

Got any good leads?

gaycondo [at] yahoo [dot] com

We Are In A Band!