Posts Tagged ‘postmodern


Jon: The Puzzling Art of Kent Rogowski…


…from the series “Love = Love”

Love = Love is a series of puzzle montages. Flowers and skies were taken out of over 40 puzzles and combined to form a series of spectacular landscapes. Although puzzle pieces are unique and can only fit into one place within a puzzle, they are interchangeable within a brand. Kent Rogowski uses and alters mass-produced consumer products as a vehicle for self expression. By transforming the generic into something personal, Rogowski questions what these products communicate and also what role they play in our culture.” 

-from Rogowski’s Official Statement and Bio

(Click above for large versions)

For more, check out Rogowski’s show online at The Jen Bekman Gallery


Jon: The last 50 years of art in three images….



Keith Haring brings the “low” art form of graffiti into the the gallery world.



Annie Leibovitz photographs Keith Haring in a hyperbolic, three dimensional, Haring-centric world.



Adidas releases limited edition track outfit designed by Jeremy Scott using the art of the now deceased Keith Haring. It bares a striking resemblence to the visual ideas present in the Leibovitz image.


!!Ta da!!


Jon: Searching for “postmodern”


….a truly modern post.

As a continuation of my “Searching for” experiment, I thought it might be interesting to search for an even more abstact concept than my last project. For this edition of my weekly analysis of all things search, I’ll be exposing the internet underbelly of Postmodernism. For those not in the know, Webster’s defines postmodernism as:

2 a: of, relating to, or being any of various movements in reaction to modernism that are typically characterized by a return to traditional materials and forms (as in architecture) or by ironic self-reference and absurdity (as in literature) b: of, relating to, or being a theory that involves a radical reappraisal of modern assumptions about culture, identity, history, or language”

Second Project

“Postmodern” in:


Google Image,

and Youtube


…by the way, I love dinosaurs.


Wow! To read what these dinosaurs are saying, you’ll have to click the image. Sorry for the limitations of the (post) modern technology age!

(Cartoon from Quantz)


…i don’t know how to feel.

I found this video on You Tube, and though I have a sneaking suspicion it is supposed to be funny, I honestly think it is bizarrly touching. It is a really strong statement on the postmodern, technology saturated culture we live in. Everything is knowable, yet distance exists from tangability so nothing can ever truly be “known”.

WOW! I am a douche! This video is totally making fun of me!

but still, it touches me….


…nothing is more post modern than being so referencial, that no active “production”is  involved in the creation of a product!

So, In the search for the ultimate postmodern text, I discovered an online essay writing program, called:




Basically, this program creates meaningless “essays”, which sound smart, but are actually gibberish. It is actually pretty amazing that it is even possible. In a perfect example of postmodernism, these articles read as completely legit analysis of numerous topics, however upon closer reading, they are super-crazy bull shit. Click above a couple of times and you will se what I mean.


…now even our pets can be part of the postmodern game!


(From Postmodern Pets)


…..and then there is this faggot.

Geez, even excersise guru’s are getting in on the postmodern band wagon! Watch as this crotchy fellow teaches us all the in’s and out’s of the “postmodern cartwheel”:

Got any good leads?

gaycondo [at] yahoo [dot] com

We Are In A Band!