
Jon: Chin Implants are fucking awesome!

….just a quick little something I noticed.

For those of you who do not have blogs on wordpress, let me just let you in on a little secret: WordPress is freaking fantastic! It gives you all this crazy detailed information on who is reading your blog and how they are finding it. For example, it shows you things people search for in google to get to your page.

Well, as a result of a handful of posts (which oddly enough all seem to be written by me) we now get quite a few hits from people who are searching for before and after pictures and information on plastic surgery!

It’s wierd.


Anyway, I was trying to figure out how deep into these searches people had to go before they got to us (super fantastic side note: if you type in “before and after” into google image, we are the third picture!!! Just call me “Perez” already!) and I found these pictures (note: I added the hilarious words):



WOW! I can’t believe what a crazy difference this makes! I’d go and get one if God hadn’t already graced me with such a perfect jaw line. Just kidding!*








*I’m not actually kidding.

2 Responses to “Jon: Chin Implants are fucking awesome!”

  1. 1 The Bearded Traveler
    February 11, 2008 at 9:15 pm

    I don’t think that woman really needed a new chin.

    The guy, though… I hate to say it but RARELY there is good cosmetic surgery.
    It’s just kinda difficult to say who should get it, though, since NOBODY is comfortable with their looks. Certainly not THAT many people need it, but the only people I’ve ver seen who really think they are good-looking were horrible-looking people who went on Maury and Rikki Lake and bragged about how hot they were.

  2. February 17, 2008 at 1:25 am

    those pictures are hilarious. chin surgery is one of those funny ones that you can’t really understand (especially if you are structurally bless like you and i) what it could possibly do until you see pics like these. thanks for reminding me of yet another surgery i thankfully don’t need, along with labiaplasty. i wrote about labiaplasty twice and now 95% of my google hits are re: labes.

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