Posts Tagged ‘Hair


Jon: Must.Change.Hair.Immediately….


From the Kaaz Hair Salon 2009 Master Series photographed by Simon Duhamel






Jon: Beard-o-rama 2009 (part one)….

Guess what?! I’m growing a beard! Paul asked me to do it for his birthday last week, and I am happily (and itchingly) obliging. Currently I am on day 9 of not shaving, so I am still in that hobo-ish stage where I just look gross. Soon though, I will look like a college professor and/or a gay porn star from the 70’s. How exciting!

I of course will be posting pictures of my progress on here eventually, but to give you a sneak peek of what I might look like, I have created this artistic and highly scientific future projection:


Much like I do with other things I become temporarily obsessed with, I have been internet researching the crap out of the how’s and why’s of beard culture. It turns out a lot of people are really into beards. For some, apparently the ability to grow nice facial hair home seen as a calling from a higher power. I present for your pleasure the website All About Beards. They have pictures of beards. They have videos of beards. They have testimonials of beard lovers. And I have now learned that there are actual international beard contests. No kidding. What’s nuts is that this website has been around since 1996. So, I guess that says something. Do you think my beard will eventually take over my brain and make me become one of these crazy men who treat body hair as a hobby?

All of this reminded me of this classic Kids in the Hall sketch:

Seeing this video got me looking for other beard videos.  I found out that there is this whole group of people who do these time lapse videos of themselves growing beards….  Most are pretty yawn inducing, but this one caught my attention:

Expect Beard-o-rama part two in about two weeks….


Paul: Music Video Monday

…Blake Babies – Out There (1990)

Dude, we really just chopped off our hair for our stupid-ass video!

Perhaps it’s my (young) age, but I never knew that Juliana Hatfield had this whole other band prior to her 15 minutes around the time of “Reality Bites” and “My So Called Life”. My overall feelings about her music are pretty ambivalent, but I was stoked to find this gem. It’s a pretty mediocre song instrumentally, but I suppose it’s catchy enough. It’s a great video, but the way they dance makes me want to slap them! Also, I am pretty sure the whole crayon thing around 2:03 is an LSD reference. Check it out!

to learn more about Juliana Hatfield, check out my previous post about her. It features another excellent video.

also, I’d like to insert audio commentary into music videos for future posts, does anyone know how this is done? we have a microphone, any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


Jon: (WORD OF THE WEEK) How macabre…

Victorian folk were such Debbie Downers!


Mourning BroochAs some of you may know, I am a total fag. As a result, I’m into some pretty classically faggy things. One of the most prominent of these activities has got to be collecting vintage brooches (side note: I bet you thought that was spelled with an “a” after the “o”. WRONG!), which is a hobby I picked up a couple of years ago. 

I’m in no way an expert on the topic, I just buy stuff I like when I see it.  My favorite category of brooches is for sure cameos. So the other day I was out fantasy shopping at a couple of fancy-town vintage shops,and  a piece similiar to the one on the left caught my eye.

“How interesting!” I thought. “A photo cameo framed in silk! I must learn more!”

So, I approached the sales girl and asked about it.


Mourning Ring


“Oh, that is a great piece of mourning jewelry.” She said. “The child’s hair is still in such great condition. Very rare!”

Mourning jewelry? CHILD’S HAIR??? It turns out that Victorian people had a serious boner for being sad. This trend was started when Queen Victoria’s husband passed away and she went into full on serious mourning for 40 YEARS! She even dressed her servants in head to toe black.

So apparently they didn’t have E! or Bravo back then ( losers ), because the only fashion icon regular Victorian ladies had to mimic was a stodgy senior citizen Queen. Thus, a creepy trend is born. The whole country went goth for her and adopted mourning as a permenant form of fashion expression.

Mourning BraceletLucky for the ladies of the time, they were not expected to ACTUALLY mimic Queen Victoria and mourn their husbands for the rest of their days .  

No, they were only expected to wear head to toe black and a veil covering their faces for one year, followed by 1-2 more without the veil.

Geez. I’m all for listening to The Cure, but this is getting out of hand!

In addition to donning full black garb, those in mourning were allowed to ornament themselves with morbid remembrances of the deceased. These pieces of jewelry were made almost exclusively of black stones, gold, photo’s of the deceased, and braided human hair from their bodies! I guess you were lucky if the person you were mourning had blonde hair, because then you could jazz up the whole black-on-black thing! 


I didn’t want you to leave Gaycondo totally bummed out, so here is this to watch:


Paul: What was she thinking?


Most Jews can’t pull off blonde hair!

In case you haven’t heard, British singer Amy Winehouse got a dramatic new hairdo. Bad move! No doubt she’s about 10 pounds lighter without her trademark beehive. I guess you have to give her credit for not giving a rat’s ass how she looks in spite of the paparazzi, but look at this depressing before and after shot:                                                                        wino2.jpgwino-blonde.jpg

second pic stolen from Perez Hilton (don’t sue me!)

Is it just me, or does the blonde hair age her about 15 years? Perhaps its just that partying hard makes you look haggard way before your time, but the new haircolor really reminds me of Patsy in this episode of AbFab:


It’s a shame, cause she was such a darned cute kid!

Dye your hair back and eat a sandwich, you can still be the hotness if you cut this shit out.

Got any good leads?

gaycondo [at] yahoo [dot] com

We Are In A Band!