Archive for the 'New Jersey' Category


Paul: Dina McGreevy not such a victim after all…

…New Jersey just got even more trashy!
liar.jpgFormer New Jersey governor Jim McGreevy and his wife, Dina, are currently embroiled in a nasty divorce. You may have seen or heard her lately on talk shows. She’s pimping out her lame-ass book in light of the recent events with Elliot Spitzer. If you remember McGreevy’s resignation speech, Dina looked remarkably cheerful standing by her man when you consider the circumstances, especially considering her claim that she had learned about her hubby’s homosexual tendencies recently along with everyone else. This was a sharp contrast to Spitzer’s wife, who looked she wanted to rip his throat out. It turns out that Dina’s nothing more than a media whore out to make a buck. She claims never to have had any idea that her hubby was a gay-wad, and she’s been blabbing the same sob story all over the place to sell copies of her book.

It turns out that she wasn’t quite so innocent and clueless after all. Back when McGreevy was still Mayor of Woodbridge Township and in the New Jersey Senate, the couple had regular three-ways with his aide/driver, Theodore Pederson. If your husband needs another dude in the bed to get off, that should be a pretty big clue, no? I guess the McGreevys like ’em young. He is kind of pederson.jpgcute, though. Anyway, their routine would be a big dinner at TGI Friday’s followed by hot sex. This is kind of gross, for those uninitiated in the ins an outs of anal sex (which I’m sure was part of their repetoire) as the last thing you want to do beforehand is eat a big greasy-ass meal.

Gross farts kind of kill the mood, no? 

Anyway, Pederson decided to come clean about all this with the press because of his disapproval of the way Dina’s been profiting off her good-girl/victim image. I’m not sure why he felt the need to include their patronage of TGI Friday’s (did they pay him for that?) because it really has nothing to do with the story at all. Any self-respecting aide would expect a much classier meal before putting out with their politician boss. Anyway, Dina should be really be ashamed of herself for exploiting the situation. She’s not fooling me, she totally knew he was a fag . Jim McGreevy says she knew before they even got married and either chose to ignore it or didn’t care. I guess I might still buy her book, but only if it’s on sale.  

via Dlisted


KEEP IT ON THE BROWNLOWE: February in Review

Em Brownlowe

YAY! Gaycondo is officially two months old! Let’s celebrate by re-reading my favorite posts of the month:

Jon: Yeah, I’m From Freakin New Jersey: Featuring a video by a thick accented New Jersey couple asking each other ridiculous body-function related question. I am a huge fan of Seinfeldish every day humor (ie. farting, peeing in showers, awkward moments) and loud people who laugh at their own jokes thus making me laugh because the sound of their voice is hilarious.

KEEP IT ON THE BROWNLOWE: Amy Winehouse @ Grammys: Not only did she inspired Grammy voters to hand it all over, she also inspires people to make hilarious parodies of her music.

Paul: While We’re on the Subject of Amy Winehouse: Amy Winehouse + Blake = modern versions of Sid + Nancy?! Check out this photographic comparison

KEEP IT ON THE BROWNLOWE: The Legend of Billie Jean: A true love story on how the gaycondo scooter, Billie Jean, came into our lives…

Em/Beth: Happy V-Day + Our 3 Year Anniversary: Not only is February Gaycondo’s 2 month anniversary, it is also Em/Beth’s 3 year anniversary! Watch our disgusting photo booth video you jaded fucks! You’ll like it!

Jon: Polaroids are AMAZING: Did you know there was a You-Tube-ish website for the aspiring photographer to upload their poloaroids?.

Jon: WOW!!!: This nature photograph will flip your brain inside out!!!

Paul: I Love Chris Crocker But…: Post “Leave Britney ALONE” fame, Paul details why Crocker is a fashion victim and why you shouldn’t EFF with his mother.

KEEP IT ON THE BROWNLOWE: Photographic Appeal: See the photographic fruits of my tragically abandoned hobby

Jon: Chin Implants are fucking awesome!!!: You can really tell the difference!

Paul: France Gall + Serge Gainsbourg: How Serge corrupted an 18 year old into being the best young French pop star….

KEEP IT ON THE BROWNLOWE: Tragically Un-Heard Of: ADAM GNADE: Read about the Bob Dylan/Leonard Cohen of our time.

Jon: Searching for the Truth: Jon’s weekly search will truly enlighten you.

KEEPI IT ON THE BROWNLOWE: ThunderAnt!: Carrie Brownstein transforms from rock goddess to comedic heroine!!!

Paul: My Plan to Get Filthy Rich: If only this blog post DIDN’T exist then maybe Paul could milk the money tit off of Hooters!

Jon: Found On Craig’s List: An AD for a gang street gang in LA! “So if you’re tough enough, just email me and we can start our gang. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, as long as you are attractive and have a great body.”

Read the Best


of January


Jon: Yeah, I’m from freakin’ New Jersey….

….do I sound like this???

I fucking love this video.

Via Fast Hugs

Got any good leads?

gaycondo [at] yahoo [dot] com

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